About me
My naam is Elmarie Louw en ek woon in die pragtige klein weskus dorpie genaamd Elandsbaai.
I pursued my photography career after I qualified at SIPS in Stellenbosch.
My photography style is natural, un-staged and mostly outside. Nature is my Studio, the sun my lighting and the wind, my special effects. PERFECTION!!
After the birth of my two children, I decided to follow my passion and focus more on Wedding and Newborn photography. Engagement, Couple and Family Shoots also form part of my portfolio and I usually encourage clients to visit my part of the world namely - the Sandveld - to expose them to the undiscovered beauty of this area..
Ek verstaan die fases van die liefde want ek is 'n dogter, 'n suster, 'n vrou, 'n vriendin en 'n ma. Ek verstaan die deurmekaar opgewondenheid van 'n bruid en die bars-uit-sy-nate uit trots van 'n nuwe ma. Ek verstaan ook die hart van 'n kind.
Three things that I have learned in this profession is that (1) photography is not a cash cow - but a passion, (2) your camera equipment will always be more expensive than your car and (3) your "good" name is only as good as your last photo shoot...
Jy raak nie oornag 'n fotograaf nie, dit is 'n tydsame proses. Eers as jy leer om die lewe en die liefde te waardeer sal daar siel in jou foto's wees. Ek beskou dit as 'n groot voorreg om deel te wees van mense se mylpale.
Solank as wat ek nog kinderlik opgewonde raak oor 'n mooi foto, sal ek geen ander werk op hierdie aarde wil doen nie.